
Mentally Fit Primary Schools

Our curriculum aligned educator resources offer a range of tools and activities designed to strengthen three evidence-based mental health protective factors in your school community: emotional adaptability, social connectedness and help-seeking behaviour. We’ve organised your resources into Mental Fitness Mind Breaks, Focus, Motivators and School Posters.

Find out more about becoming a Mentally Fit Primary School here.

Mental Fitness Moments

Short videos to introduce the fundamentals of mental fitness.

Introducing Mental Fitness

This video introduces students to mental fitness and how it can help them to feel strong inside. 

Don't Worry Alone

This video explains that no problem is too big or too small to talk about, and how talking to someone trusted, is brave and strong.

Embrace Your Village

This video talks about the importance of ”embracing your village” and how this can help students to feel supported and safe to be themselves.

Build Your Emotional Muscles

This video explains how building invisible, emotional muscles can help students handle the ups and downs in life.

Mental Fitness Mind Break

Regulate heightened emotions in your classroom with these calming exercises.

5 Minute Mental Fitness Boosters - Mind Breaks K-6

Regulate heightened emotions in your classroom with these quick calming exercises.

Mental Fitness Reflection K-2

This journal activity, designed for Yr K-2 students, promotes self-reflection and encourages regular mental fitness practice.

Mental Fitness Journal 3-6

This journal activity, designed for Yr 3-6 students, promotes self-reflection and encourages a regular mental fitness practice.

Mental Fitness Focus

Enhance focus and readiness to learn in your classroom with these exercises.

5 Minute Mental Fitness Boosters - Focus K-6

Enhance focus and readiness to learn in your classroom with these quick exercises.

Mental Fitness Bookmarks K-6

Share these inspirational bookmarks with engaging mental fitness messages.

2 Mindfulness Finger Mazes K-6

Promote mindfulness and relaxation with these mazes.

Kindness Carousel K-6

Build positive social connections and teach students their role in fostering a supportive classroom environment.

Gotcha Circle of Control K-2

Help students build valuable coping skills to navigate setbacks and uncertainties with greater ease.

Gotcha Circle of Control 3-6

Help students build valuable coping skills to navigate setbacks and uncertainties with greater ease.

Mindfulness Colouring: Garden Gnome K-6

Practice mindfulness through this meditative colouring activity.

Mindfulness Colouring: Feelings K-6

Practice mindfulness through this meditative colouring activity.

Mental Fitness Motivator

Strengthen mental fitness in your classroom with activities that motivate and foster connection.

5 Minute Mental Fitness Boosters - Mental Fitness Motivators K-6

Elevate mental fitness in your classroom with these quick motivational exercises.

Connection Conversation Cards K-2

Spark deeper conversations and inspire meaningful connection with your students using these cards, tailored for younger students.

Connection Conversation Cards 3-6

Spark deeper conversations and inspire meaningful connection with your students using these cards, tailored for older students.

Mental Fitness Interview K-6

Encourage students to explore mental fitness practices and build connections with this interview guide.

28 Days of Mental Fitness K-6

Build mental fitness in your classroom with daily activities to strengthen wellbeing.

Chain of Connection K-6

Encourage students to recognise the supportive individuals in their lives.

Chatterbox Conversation K-6

Encourage students to talk about their feelings and build connections.

School Posters

Promote mental fitness in your classroom and across your school with these interactive posters. Download the implementation guide here. All posters are provided in colour in A3 and A4 sizes.

We’re Become a Mentally Fit School K-6

Proudly share your commitment to being a Mentally Fit School.

Boost Your Mental Fitness K-6

Remind your school community about the importance of mental fitness and strengthening 3 key protective factors.

3 Protective Factors Poster Pack K-6

Build awareness and facilitate student discussions about 3 mental health protective factors that build mental fitness.

All Feelings Are Welcome K-6

Encourage acceptance and openness to experiencing a wide range of emotions without judgement.

How Do You Feel Today? K-6

Help students regulate their emotions and build emotional literacy.

Help-Seeking Poster Pack

These posters provide information for teachers to access support services. Note: for teacher-only spaces.

The resources on this page are free to download and intended for educator use in a primary school environment. These evidence-informed, curriculum-aligned resources have been designed to help students cultivate emotional adaptability, social connectedness and help-seeking behaviour. If you share these resources, please ensure attribution to Gotcha4Life Foundation.

Gotcha4Life’s Mentally Fit Primary Schools program takes a prevention-first, whole-of school approach to building wellbeing capacity. Designed to inspire and enable your staff, students, parent and carer community to adopt a proactive approach to building their mental fitness, we partner with you to establish an enduring, mentally fit school climate. Find out more.

Want to know more about partnering with Gotcha4Life to build a Mentally Fit Primary School?

Want to find resources to build your own mental fitness?

Our Mentally Fit Primary Schools Program would not be possible without the support of our donors and partners.

Gotcha4Life’s Mentally Fit Primary Schools pilot program was partially funded by the NSW Government.

Gotcha4Life is a not-for-profit foundation on a mission to inspire and enable people to take action to build their mental fitness. Our vision is a suicide-free world, where no one worries alone. Learn more about Gotcha4Life Foundation.

We’ll let you know as soon as it’s available!

Please check your email for a copy of your results.

 You can also find a copy of your results under my gym profile

Mental Fitness Check-in

Our mental fitness check-in takes around 3 minutes and will give you a better understanding of your mental fitness strengths, and tools that might help you become more mentally fit.