
Mental Fitness Check-in

Like physical fitness, we have mental fitness too.

We believe that checking in on your mental fitness regularly is valuable, because your mental fitness often changes over time.

Just like you might check your pulse to get a sense of your physical fitness, the following short questionnaire can help you to monitor and build your mental fitness, irrespective of the presence or absence of mental health concerns.

Our mental fitness check-in will help you understand your mental fitness areas of strength and opportunities to make mental fitness gains.

To track your progress over time make sure to register as a gym member. Each time you complete the check-in a copy will be saved under your profile.

Welcome to our Mental Fitness Check-in

Before you start...

Our Mental Fitness Check-in will ask you 9 questions relating to how you have been feeling over the last 4 weeks. It will take around 3 minutes to complete. 

Your results will provide an opportunity to consider your mental fitness more deeply, reflecting on your mental fitness areas of strength and opportunities to make mental fitness gains.  We will also share information and resources that can help build your mental fitness.

To track your progress over time make sure to register as a gym member. Each time you complete the check-in a copy will be saved under your profile.

It’s important to remember that your Mental Fitness Check-in score does not substitute for a clinical evaluation or treatment plan from a registered health professional. We understand it can feel overwhelming to seek support, but you are never alone in this journey.  There are always people ready to listen and helpful resources available.

We’ll let you know as soon as it’s available!

Please check your email for a copy of your results.

 You can also find a copy of your results under my gym profile

Mental Fitness Check-in

Our mental fitness check-in takes around 3 minutes and will give you a better understanding of your mental fitness strengths, and tools that might help you become more mentally fit.